Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Innocent happy Childhood Part- 1
1969, My Mother and Father lived very simple life, with big dreams for them and for their children's. they worked very hard to provide simple life's necessity for their family.
they ware born in meddle class family. my Grandma used to sell fresh vegetables on her head and two feet. she used go to Dhandhuka(is a small village 100 KM a way form Ahmadabad). to buy vegetables and walk 5 miles to Rojaka which is my birth place and I grew up. she used to sell her vegetables by afternoon or until end of the day(in hot summer,rain or winter). My grandfather used to do farming, which always depend on rain. (in Gujarat, INDIA) there is always drought every 2 or 3 years. we had to look for and go far a way to find clean water to drink. and poor farmers won't have production because of no water or rain.
My parents got married in 1968, they had dream just like every parents have. to have children and to see them successful in life. they war happy. my mother was a School teacher and my father was Telephone exchange operator. at that time it was good job for both of them. my grandma worked hard to send my Father to school. which is did. he did made her every penny worth. then he did got good job, he was the only house hold income. my mother used to keep Cows, Goats and Buffelo's for milk, for kids and to sell, so little bit money helps in house. my Father had 4 sibling and he was second child but he used to act and support like older in family. he had one sister older than him. (she was kind of beach, bossy). and one little sister(she past a way when she was having her first child and from husbands physical abuse) and brother younger which is he still supports him. my mother had 8 siblings (4 sister and 4 brothers) her parents work hard as my grandmother did. my (NANI) used to cell soda and their(Nana-Nani) main business was make threads (dords- rndhva guthva). their children's ware very smart and beautiful too. they all are successful in their life.
In small village everybody used to know my Father very well. even around 10 to 15 villages was believer in him. because he was always helpful to others. he used help people so much that he and his family used to make sacrifices, for example--- his time, money and family time for others.
My Mother was a lady of the house. very beautiful, well disciplined , well maintained her dignity. she always give up her dreams, time, money, happiness for others(specially for my fathers dreams). my father used to spent his most of the time on work and helping others, so my mothers had to give her most of the attention to us. because he used to work at night and at day time he used to do other jobs. she used to be our teacher, doctor, caretaker, loving, caring mother. when she find out that we need some help on homework or our exams are closer, she used to keep use home half day of the school and make us work so hard that we used come top of the all school. she did worked very hard for out success. I solute her.
I don't know but I guess, a year and half after their marriage I was born. I first child is girl. in my family aways boys took place so there was no girls so they ware hoping for girl. only one in house and in family. they raised me with lots of love, care, they gave me everything they can give. at that time my Parents who had money to spend on me. my mother always dressed me like dressing doll. she was very happy that I looked like a doll. and my Father used to work in the kind of city so when ever cutlery stores they have new products for girls, my father was their first customer.<>
My childhood was very good, my neighborhood was awesome. we had all Religion was mixed with each other. we used to think that if one neighbor is in trouble other is always there to help, just like part of family. religion, color, money never came in to our mind to saprate us from each other. everybody's kids used to play so much.
Everyday morning parents was at work(they used to work around house or in the farm, but they ware always around us to keep eye on us), kids ware at school. school time was 11 to 5 pm. so we used to come home 5:15 and start playing with kids. not one ok whole group of kids. 15 to 25. and we used to play until 9 to 10 pm. we did not had technology we had now. we used to make our own dolls form scrap cotton material, Gilli- Dunda, made from simple scraped wood, marble, physical activities like jumping, hopping, running around the whole village to find someone or to catch someone. hide and sick. there was no limits of games we used to create. and we ware so happy. at the end of the day. we did not feel like going to home because of we ware having so much fun. our neighborhood so safe, that mothers never had to worry about her girls or a boy. we never had to worry about anybody to say something to you. because everyone respected you so well and believed in each other.
As I grew up, I had my won friend circle. I started going to school. I wans't so smart but average. 3 yeas letter I had baby brother name Mohammad Salim. he was so handsome, chubby, fair white skin, smarter them me. I was older so I loved him from bottom of my heart, I was happy that I have little doll to play with. and he was good. my parents ware happy that they had son, who one day will support him and look after him. we ware growing up, time was passing by. three years after Salim, we had another baby brother name Abdul Rahim. he was very handsome too, very good kid. I did help my mother in raising them. I used to say home and look after both of them while my mother was working around house and she used to go to farm to get food for animals. she used to leave home early morning 6am and com back by 11, my grandmother was with me at home, she used to finish house chores like - cleaning floor, feed us, wash us.
Every morning and every evening we had to take our animals for a walk. we used to take walk to a near by talab (pond) where whole villagers animals used to come there at same time. it was so pretty picture that if you want to create the same picture it will cost lots of money and time and it want be a same picture. they had special place that all animals can drink water and see each other. they ware happy to see their friends and we used to be happy to see our friends. it was very Sarine place that you won't be able to find anywhere in the world. that was priceless.
Twice a day we used to milk our the early morning and at end of the day, then milk was pasteurized (boiled) and we had neighbors who did not had animals so they used to buy milk form us and we used to deliver to their house everyday. and we ware happy to do chores for our parents or other who ever ask. and what ever is left over milk we used to make yogurt, buttermilk and butter. at that time there ware no refrigerator. but we always used to think something that works like refrigerator. we used to eat very Fresh, Organic, Healthy food.
after Abdul Rahim's birth my mother was staying very sick, she had very heavy bleeding or a miscarriage, I don't know but. she was hospitalized for few days and sick for a months. I was around 7 or 8 years old. since I was old enough to do house chores, my mother had big helper in her life. I used to take care of everything. sometimes I used to go to farming with friends just for a fun or sometimes because we need too.
I used to gather water from all over the village, remember Gujarat has been drought for ever. we always needed water to drink and for house use. at that time they had no water tanker delivering water, so we had to bring on hour had, I don't know if you have seen women with 2 or 3 pots on her head.
I was only 4 and half feet tall with small feet. and I used to carry 3 pots on my head, full of water and walk about a mile form house to wells and from wells to house. until my water tank at home is full or until we have enough water for one or two days of use. that was every day routine. and that water was for only for a house hold use like taking shower, washing dishes, washing clothes.
but for drinking water we had to go at night. there was only couples of wells with sweet water and lots of people in need and it would stay sweet only for couples of weeks and it would turn in to salty water. then people in charge of village used to dig an other well for Sweet water. it would turn salty soon after few weeks and dig another well, as it goes on whole summer. for sweet water we had long line because of lots of peoples and little wells, it wan't enough for every one to come at same time. so had long lines, if I put my pot in line in the morning my turn will be at midnight. water was coming so slow form the ground, that we had to wait until the little cereal bowl is full than, that cereal bowl full of water we used to put in the pot. it would take 100 cereal bowl to fill the whole pot. and summer in India is so hot and temperature about 100 to 120 degrees, without electricity, without air conditioning, without refrigerator.
then three years after Abdul Rahim birth, third brother was born. his name is Najir Husain.
After Najir's birth, my mother was n't well, so I am the one who was working and helping my grandmother and my mom raise three bothers and go to school. but those years was golden years. I miss so much. sometimes my eyes are filled with tears. I enjoyed those moments and adore them in my heart. sometimes I wish those days comes back. but it doesn't.
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- Zainab
- Quincy, MA, United States
- I love to Cook and Eat all different cultures food(low fat and Healthy). I love to read anything regarding health and beauty (articles or Magazines).